Fact: according to Wikipedia, the amount of fuel injected into an engine at any moment is proportional to the number of cylinders running, rpm and how much the accelerator is pressed. Therefore, for most vehicles, it just depends on how high the engine is revved, and how much pressure is exerted on the accelerator.
1. Answer: no, not for conventional engines, because the more rpm is required, the more the accelerator has to be pressed, and therefore fuel consumption must go up.
2. The answer is yes if the vehicle has a Surbo. The reason is that the rpm limit can be reached with just half full accelerator pressure, so that only half the fuel is required. So for that instance when the engine is achieve the same high rpm, there is fuel saving.
3. The answer is still yes if we are talking about fuel consumption over a period. As higher revving means that the next gear starts off from a higher, stronger rpm, it means less time is spent trying to accelerate the vehicle, and that the top gear is reached sooner. As the top speed for a Surbo-equipped vehicle is increased, the cruising becomes easier requiring less accelerator pressure, so the entire trip can be made using less fuel.
The above show that increased power and fuel economy need not be incompatible. So, contact us today to try the Surbo, and get not only increased speed, but more mileage at the same time!
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